ITS FT-EIC Students Enthusiasticly Welcome the Skill Development Program to Expand Future Potential

Oke Padang

November 15, 2023

Original Source

The Student Resource Development Department of BEM FT-EIC ITS is enthusiastically implementing an innovative skills development program specifically designed to help them become better prepared to face the demands of the ever-growing world of work. The event held in two days separately by online and offline at October 15 and October 21 2023.

This program not only focuses on improving academic skills but also offers practical training in various aspects, from interpersonal skills to the ability to adapt to technological changes. One of the main features of this program is a series of workshops and seminars attended by leading industry experts. Students have the opportunity to interact directly with these professionals, hear their insights on the latest industry trends, and gain valuable insight into the skills needed in the job market. The topics raised in this development program are assertive communication in teamwork as well as workshops related to how to make CVs for students.

This time, the PSDM Department of BEM FT-EIC ITS collaborated with NODEFLAIR by presenting speakers Shofia Aula as Talent Acquisition DOT Indonesia, Kurnia Sukma Adiguna as Senior Product Manager from Nodeflair as a speaker on the first day and Frieda Puspita as Nodeflair Growth Marketer on the day second. This activity, which was held two times, was attended by 130 participants from ITS FT-EIC students.

Head of the Skills Development Program, Javier Janeti Suprantiyo stated, “We believe that this program will provide significant added value for our students. We not only focus on academic achievement but also on developing character and skills that will take them far into the future. ” This skills development program is expected to be a step towards producing a generation of students who are not only academically intelligent but also ready to face dynamic changes in the ever-evolving world of work. BEM FT-EIC ITS plans to continue to improve and expand this program to provide maximum benefits for current and future students.