Taking Back Your Old Job? Consider These 7 Things First


Ah, the age-old debate. Should you or should you not take back your old job after quitting? It’s a risky situation with no clear answer and it could go either way.

On one hand, you could be tempted to take back your job because of the familiarity, or perhaps the thought of having a regular paycheck again is too tempting to pass up. On the other hand, there’s fear that you might be seen as weak for going back, or worse—your old job may not be what it used to be.

If you’re considering re-joining your old team, there are some things to think about first. In this post, we’ll discuss various aspects of taking back an old job and how to decide whether or not it’s the right move for you.

TLDR: It Depends

  • Evaluate why you left in the first place and assess if the job offer and responsibility have changed
  • Yes, if the compensation is better and there is opportunity for career progressions.
  • No, because you might be treated differently and might burn bridges, and the issue driving you to leave could remain unresolved.

Evaluate Why You Left in the First Place

Before considering taking back a job you left, it's important to take a step back, look at your own shoes, and ask: why did I leave in the first place?

Was it because a better opportunity presented itself? Were you hoping for a change of pace? Maybe it was for that old classic – the salary raise.

Or could it be something else entirely? Maybe you were having trouble meeting deadlines, or didn't see eye-to-eye with some of the other members of staff.

Whatever the reason, understanding why you left your last job is key before deciding whether to go back or not.

Image credits: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Assess if the Job Offer Has Improved

Assuming the job offer from your old employer is on the table, it’s time to assess if you're getting a better deal than last time. You'll have to conduct some market research to find out what the range of salaries for this particular position look like in your area.

After all, if your old employer isn't throwing enough money at you to make it worth it, why would you bother going back?

You should also check the benefits package attached to this new job offer. Is healthcare coverage still a mere afterthought? Are there any pro-rated vacation days or retirement plans included in this offer? What about support for any personal growth efforts?

It's also important to ask your old employer for feedback on how to improve should you choose to come back. This will be an essential part of making sure your second stint with them is more successful than the first. And who knows – maybe their feedback could even motivate you to negotiate a higher salary or better benefits!

Consider How Your Role and Responsibilities Have Changed

When you left your old job, it was time for a change—but what if that change didn't turn out to be the best decision? It's time to consider taking back your old job, but don't forget to consider how things have changed.

It's also worth noting that if any of your coworkers have moved up while you were gone, they may be even more hesitant to welcome you back. It's important to understand the lay of the land before jumping back into the mix.

Image credits: The Boys

3 Reasons You Should Take Back Your Old Jobs?

Before you take the plunge and sign on the dotted line, here are a few things that might make it worth your while.

1. Better Salary and Benefits

In certain companies, you are considered a new hire and because of that, you get a percentage bump in your salary.

So if money is tight, this may be an attractive option.

2. Opportunity for Career Mobility and Advancement

Then there’s the opportunity for career advancement and mobility that comes along with rejoining an already-established company. With familiar faces and people who trust in you, everything just becomes easier—from networking to finding mentors to actually tackling the job itself.

Plus, most companies love hiring from within—so if you don’t mind playing ball until things look up at another company then this might just be a no-brainer way of advancing your career plans.

3. Changing Attitudes Toward Leaving a Bad Job Quickly

Times are changing, and people are becoming more accepting of leaving a bad job quickly in search of something better.

This means employers are becoming more willing to give people second chances—so if they understand why, it didn’t work out the first time around then they might be open to welcoming back old employees with open arms!

Image credits: Pinterest (John Granic)

4 Reasons You Should Not Take Back Your Old Jobs?

It's a tempting thought—you just left your job and it's not working out as well as you'd hoped, so why not take the job at your old company back?

Well, here's why.

1. The Issue Driving You To Leave Could Remain Unresolved

It's important to make sure that any underlying issues that caused your first departure have been fixed before taking the same job again at the same company.

Without doing this due diligence beforehand, there is a chance those same problems may still exist which could lead to negative experiences down the line.

2. You Won't Learn Anything New

If you just left your old job and take it back, you'll never really know whether or not it was the job itself or just a bad fit.

And if you jump right back in without giving yourself time to grow, develop and explore different roles, how will you ever learn what works best for you?

3. You Could Burn A Bridge

Let's face it—you already quit this job once and returned.

If things don't end well again, your reputation could take a major hit as people start to question whether or not they can trust you to keep your promises.

4. You Might Be Treated Differently

You likely got some funny looks when you accepted the job at another company after leaving your previous one—people are going to talk.

And if they think that they can make an example out of you by treating you differently than they would other new employees, then don't be surprised if that's what happens.

Image credits: 500 Days of Summer / Stockpick.com

Conclusion: It Depends

So, should you take back your old job after quitting? Ultimately, it depends on the situation.

Consider your skills and experience, the job you’re being offered, and most importantly, how the company has treated you promptly. Do your diligence about the company culture, wage level, and team dynamics.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide whether returning to your previous company is the right move for your career. But there’s one thing for sure - this journey back to the familiar is going to be a wild ride. So fasten your seatbelt and make sure you choose wisely.

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