TLDR: A software engineer understands design, implementation, and management of software information systems and hardware processes. Whereas, an IT support engineer works on installation, development, and implementation of computer systems and applications.
Many people think or assume that software engineers should be doing all the work related to computers or tech devices. Yet, they do not understand the nuances between software applications and hardware devices.
Although software engineers probably wouldn't mind fixing a mouse or assisting in some IT support work, why waste their hard earned Computer Engineering Degree?
Read on below to learn the difference between a software engineer and IT support.
Dealing with hardware is a job that comes in the domain of technical support engineers, better known as the IT support engineer.
This is the go-to person when it comes to solving your technical issues of computing devices and systems, including software troubleshooting, hardware, and other IT related issues.
They also monitor and maintain the systems and networks for the company or technical organization. Their responsibilities include installing and configuring computer systems, diagnosing and troubleshooting hardware and software issues, providing technical solutions and solving application issues over the phone or in person.
Examples of this include helping customers address their issue regarding hardware or software systems, walking customers through installing applications and computer peripherals, or asking targeted questions to diagnose problems.
Almost every tech company has a separate department offering 24hr support for customers dealing with technical issues that occur in your developed software or product. This department will have support engineers working shifts around the clock, essentially becoming the backbone of the company when offering software solutions.
Software engineering is a broad field covering many computer science fields including applications, software systems, network architecture, web development, and more.
Software engineers design, programme, and implement the product or applications. They have strong programming skills, but focus mainly on analyzing and solving problems.
Their roles depend on the organization they work for. Some may call them system analysts or even system designers. Software engineers manage software systems required to run a particular software developed to solve problems. They also need to communicate and translate the requirements among different software development teams.
Besides analyzing user requirements, their main responsibilities include writing, rewriting, and testing code. They integrate existing software and work on getting the platforms compatible with these systems. Additionally, they also develop technical specifications while controlling user access.
There are many types of software that a software engineer can develop. Examples include operating systems, computer games, middleware, business applications, and network control systems.
Software engineers do complex work and design solutions that IT support engineers are unable to. In a nutshell, they are responsible for designing and implementing software. Being aware of the differences helps ensure that we get the best person to solve our tech related issues.
The main difference between a software engineer and a technical support engineer is that software engineers develop software, while IT Support Engineers help clients deal with user related issues pertaining to that software.
Now that you know the key differences between Software Engineers and Tech Support, it’s up to you to educate others and let them know of the difference! Share this article with them to make your life easier.
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